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May I Humbly Suggest?

Everything changed on September 11, 2001, and now everything has changed once again. After 9/11, even mystery writers changed their style and plots because of the new reality. I wonder

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The High Cost of Militarization

In these challenging times—with the impeachment of the president for corruption, the threat of war with Iran, rollbacks in environmental protections, healthcare, and programs that assist those in need—I am

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Our Experience at the Border

Last week, I participated in the Faith Table retreat in San Diego, CA with some 40 other Christian leaders including many friends. NCC leaders present included the Rev. Dr. Jeffrey

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A Boiling Point

A blog by Jim Winkler: “The United States is now at war with Iran. Except for a brief truce arranged by President Obama, the United States has been at war

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A National Crisis

It has been said, “The times change and with them, the people.” Perhaps that is so in the United States today where overt racism, as well as hatred of immigrants,

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