NCC Urges Trump Administration to Release Congressionally Appropriated Federal Funds at Home and Abroad

NCC Urges ICE to Refrain from Entering Churches and Other Sensitive Locations

We are NCC
Since 1950, the National Council of the Churches of Christ in the USA has served as a leading voice of ecumenical witness to the living Christ. The National Council of Churches is a diverse covenant community of 37 member communions and over 30 million individuals –100,000 congregations from Protestant, Anglican, historic African-American, Orthodox, Evangelical, and Living Peace traditions – in a common commitment to advocate and represent God’s love and promise of unity in our public square. NCC works with secular and interfaith partners to advance a shared agenda of peace, progress, and positive change.
Member Communions
These 37 member communions come together in covenant community as the National Council of Churches to offer common witness to Jesus Christ and to share in a ministry of reconciliation to the world in his name.
Together, they include more than 35 million people in over 100,000 congregations in the United States.

About Us
The mission of the NCC is to live as a community of communions called by Christ to visible unity and sent forth in the Spirit to promote God’s justice, peace and the healing of the world.

Friendship Press
Friendship Press, the publishing arm of the National Council of the Churches of Christ in the USA, offers readers compelling bible study, advocacy, and change making resources for group use and individual study.
With a history dating back to 1935, Friendship Press published hundreds of titles that demonstrated its long-standing support for the health and welfare of children, constructive race relations, church missions, vibrant culture, and peace among nations.
In 2018, after a period of inactivity, Friendship Press was reactivated. It currently manages NCC’s bible properties, including the New Revised Standard Version Updated Edition (NRSVue), and publishes new books that continue a nearly 90 year legacy of advocating for justice in urgent times.