Joint Action and Advocacy for Justice and Peace

At the core of Christian faith is a commitment to work on behalf of and with those marginalized by our society; the hungry, sick, poor, prisoners, strangers and powerless people (Matt. 25:44). Jesus’ life provides the model by which we are to work for justice and peace in our world. Like the Old Testament prophets, we raise our voices with the voiceless and help victims defend themselves from injustice.

The National Council of Churches has been a prophetic voice for justice and peace for its entire existence. The NCC played a vital role in the civil rights struggles of the 1960s, supported conscientious objectors during the Vietnam War, was a voice for peace throughout the Cold War, and spoke up for religious liberty for all after 9/11, standing with our Muslim brothers and sisters.

Today, the NCC continues to advocate with those who seek justice through the Joint Action and Advocacy for Justice and Peace Convening Table. Current efforts focus on the mass incarceration crisis within communities of color and building bridges of peace across faiths. In addition, the NCC remains engaged in emergent situations, such as immigration reform, ending gun violence, and supporting a living wage for workers, where the voice of the churches is needed.