Local, State, Regional, and World Ecumenism

In addition, the National Council of Churches has established a World Council of Churches Relations Committee in order to further the common understanding and vision of the World Council of Churches in the United States, especially to deepen the fellowship among the WCC member churches in the US; to assist, within the framework of the NCC, the WCC member churches to coordinate and nurture efforts as they undertake their commitments to WCC initiatives and programs in the US; and to encourage and help facilitate coordination and coherence between the NCC and the WCC and the churches in the US as they collaborate in efforts for international ecumenical witness, relationships and programs. This committee is currently chaired by Bishop Mary Ann Swenson of the United Methodist Church, and it is staffed by Dr. Antonios Kireopoulos.

Across the United States, Christians of all kinds come together as one body of Christ in councils of churches, as part of interfaith councils, in cooperative social ministries, in informal neighborhood initiatives, in advocacy organizations, as clergy associations, and in many other communities. The National Council of Churches relates to these groups in a variety of mutually supportive ways.


Locally, regionally, and nationally, we all seek to witness to the good news of Jesus Christ as we:


  • pray together as one body of Christ
  • act together to serve the poor and the disadvantaged
  • dialogue together about Christian unity and interfaith relations, and
  • advocate together for more just social policies.


The basic directory below, while comprehensive, is not a complete list. Please send additions and corrections to [email protected]