National Sikh-Christian Dialogue

The National Sikh-Christian Dialogue began in 2019.  Convened by the National Council of Churches and the Sikh Council of Interfaith Relations, the dialogue includes the participation of representatives of churches and organizations related to both groups.

Participants in the first National Sikh-Christian Dialogue in 2019

Building relationships and nurturing friendships is at the heart of the dialogue.  To accomplish this goal, agendas and programs are designed to foster a better understanding of each other’s faiths and communities.  Issues discussed include historical and current realities, including religious persecution experienced by both communities worldwide.


A team of co-conveners representing the coordinating organizations leads the dialogue planning.  These co-conveners include Dr. Tarunjit Butalia and Dr. Satpal Singh of the Sikh Council of Interfaith Relations, and Rev. Joseph Varghese, Rev. Neil Gaiser, and Dr. Tony Kireopoulos of the National Council of Churches.