National Muslim-Christian Dialogue

Muslim-Christian dialogue for the National Council of Churches began decades ago.  This dialogue became more intentional post-9/11, particularly to confront the growing Islamophobia at the time, and with the formation of the National Muslim-Christian Dialogue in 2004.  The NCC, the Islamic Circle of North America, and the United States Council of Muslim Organizations convene the dialogue.  Participants come from churches and organizations related to each of the convening groups.

While addressing continued Islamophobia in this country, dialogue participants also wanted to build relationships, and indeed friendships, to nurture a better understanding of one another and of our respective faiths.  Over the years, the dialogue has focused on theological, pastoral, and social issues, and agendas and programs have reflected this dynamism.

A team of co-conveners representing all three organizations coordinates the dialogue.  Current co-conveners include Imam Naeem Baig and Mr. Oussama Jammal from the Muslim community, and Rev. Dr. Whit Bodman, and Dr. Tony Kireopoulos from the Christian community.