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Rep. Clyburn reintroduces legislation to close the “Charleston Loophole”
This Congress, H.R.2403, the Enhanced Background Checks Act was reintroduced by Assistant Democratic Leader James Clyburn (D-SC). The legislation addresses a weakness in federal gun law known as the “Charleston Loophole,” which allows people to legally buy guns before a criminal background check is complete. In the case of the massacre at the Emanuel African Methodist Episcopal Church in Charleston, South Carolina, and in a growing number of mass shootings around the country, perpetrators of violent acts who are prohibited from purchasing firearms can buy guns by default after three business days. These “default proceed” gun purchases put guns in the hands of people with extensive criminal histories, ranging from convicted felons to domestic abusers, to fugitives from justice. According to a fact sheet released by Congressman Clyburn’s office, “the Enhanced Background Checks Act extends the initial background check review period from 3 business days to 10 business days. After the initial 10 business day period, if a background check has not been completed, a purchaser may request an escalated review by the FBI.” NCC supports the Enhanced Background Checks Act which will make our communities safer. We urge you to contact your Member of Congress and ask them to become a co-sponsor of H.R. 2403. Click here to act now!