NCC Supports Permanent Child Tax Credit Increase
Last week, Representatives Rosa DeLauro (D-CT), Suzan DelBene (D-WA), and Ritchie Torres (D-NY) distributed a letter inviting members of Congress to co-sponsor the American Families Act, which includes several provisions to permanently expand and improve upon the child tax credit. According to the letter, the tax bill would remove a rule that limits the refundable portion of the credit to $1,400 and the earning requirement, continue the increased $300 per month Young Child Tax Credit (YCTC) for children under 6 years old, expand the maximum Child Tax Credit to $250 per month for children under 17 years old, and extend the Child Tax Credit to the United States territories. For years, the NCC has advocated for an expansion of the Child Tax Credit to help lift American families out of poverty. We strongly support making the Child Tax Credit permanent.