The National Council of Churches condemns the terror attack in lower Manhattan yesterday in which eight persons were killed.  We grieve with the families of those who lost loved ones and join with our churches across the nation in praying for the recovery of those who were injured.  Once again we repudiate the violent, anti-Islamic ideology of ISIS and attacks on the innocent prompted by this ideology.

While questions remain about the perpetrator, his motivations, his connections, and his radicalization, we nonetheless continue to assert that Scripture repeatedly calls us to love the immigrant and sojourner. 

The perpetrator of this act should be properly brought to justice.  We ask our churches to continue to open their doors to the immigrant and the refugee and see it as our sacred duty to do so, and we call for policies that protect those who come to our country to begin new lives and contribute to our society.

We continue to work for a society in which all people of all races and backgrounds can live together peacefully and without fear.