Lord, each day I struggle to live my life in Your light. This week, bring me closer to understanding Your sacrifice so that I may embrace my own. As the story of this Holy Week unfolds, help me to be renewed so that I can better serve Your purpose for me.

Forgive us for our betrayals of Your love that are evident in the war, hunger, and racism plaguing our planet. Give us faith to overcome these evils. Bring hope to everyone living in fear and desperation.

Grant us wisdom so that our words and actions care for our neighbors. Make each of us an instrument for peace and guide us to serve those who are without homes, migrating, or fleeing war.

As we struggle to end the pandemic, help us to reach all who have not yet been vaccinated throughout the world. Comfort all who mourn for their family and friends and assist us in finding ways to console them.

No matter the obstacle, give us the strength to be beacons for Your good, the confidence of knowing we are loved, and the courage to speak of Your glory. Amen.

-Cynthia Griffiths, NCC Director of Communications and Development