Creator God, we know that in life and in death we belong to you. As we journey with Christ to the cross during this Holy Week, increase our hope that death will not get the final word as long as earth is held under your steady watch. Strengthen our resolve to believe resurrection is not locked into a fixed point in some distant past, but here and now, you ARE the resurrection and the life! By faith, we claim that your New Heaven and New Earth are not relegated to a far-flung future, but here and now, you are able to make all things new. Therefore, we are bold to pray for relief from the frustration and grief heard across the globe as we enter a third year of COVID-related woes. We plead for your mercy as we hear the cries of our neighbors in the Ukraine, Afghanistan, Ethiopia, and in every corner of the world where violence rules the day. Through the distress and uncertainty of our times, let us immerse ourselves in the power and providence of your good and steadfast love. In every circumstance, let us give thanks, O God, for in you do we trust. AMEN.
– Rev. Dr. Tammy Wiens, NCC Director of Christian Education and Faith Formation