“Has the Bonhoeffer moment finally arrived?”  This is a question recently asked by Dr. Stephen Haynes, one of the nation’s top scholars of the work and thought of Dietrich Bonhoeffer, a German theologian whose name is being evoked in many places today.

My guest today posed this question in a recent article in the Huffington Post, in which he critiques the way Christians with different beliefs call upon Bonhoeffer whenever their particular vision of society is threatened.  But Dr. Haynes also can be counted on to offer a careful understanding of what Dietrich Bonhoeffer might have actually responded to the times we live in today.  We will discuss Bonhoeffer, his story, his faith, and how he is still used today by both supporters and detractors of president-elect Donald Trump.  If anything, Bonhoeffer urges us to look at current events theologically, and that’s what we will try to do today.

Read the original article on The Huffington Post