By Juanita Payne, Department of Christian Education, Christian Methodist Episcopal Church; Committee on the Uniform Series, Annual Study Plan Committee

Almighty God, we know you move and work in mysterious ways. In ways we do not always understand, but we know Lord, you are either working things out for our good or working things out to get our attention. Hence, during these times of Coronavirus, Lord, you are bringing many of us not only nearer to each other, but also nearer to you. 

Most Holy One, we come before you, asking forgiveness for our actions during these pandemic times. God, we balk against the rules set aside for our health benefit, as well as for the health benefit of others who are elders, children, and those who have underlying illnesses. We realize God, that these rules are not difficult to follow, and we realize these rules have been established for such a time as this. 

Loving God, allow us to see that this pandemic is not about “me,” but it is about growing nearer to you. As it is written in your Word, help us to follow your Great Commandment: loving you, loving self, and loving our neighbors. We pray this prayer in the name of your son, Jesus, Amen.