By Rev. Dr. Christopher L. Zacharias, Senior Pastor, John Wesley AME Zion Church, Washington, DC
“Praise the Lord, my soul, and forget not all his benefits—who forgives all your sins and heals all your diseases (Psalms 102:2-3 NIV).”
In a time of health concerns for every health care facility, every health care employee, every health care company and everyone’s well-being, do not forget about God’s Health Care Plan.
A plan that is free to all with no pre-existing conditions, except for, sinners who are saved by God’s Grace. God’s Grace has been offered in and through Christ’s Blood insurance policy.
Christ has covered our deductibles. Christ is our co-pay. No hidden fees or hidden policies are found in God’s Health Care Plan through Christ Jesus. All God does require of us is to believe in Him, have hope in Him and put your trust in Him by placing your health into His hands.
To do so, please fill out this daily application, do not forget God’s benefits of His past promises to you, His present promises to you and trust His future promises to you by praying to Him, reading, studying, meditating over God’s Word and trusting in God.
Yes, God grants us common sense to obey the safe distancing practices of the land. But at the same time, draw close and get contracted in the safety of God’s arms.
Prayer: Help me Lord to not forget Your benefits during my personal crisis and/or crisis of this world. I trust You, help me to trust in You more. Amen!