Rev. Dr. Carmichael D. Crutchfield, Clara Scott Chair of Church and Ministry, Professor of Christian Education, Spiritual Formation, and Youth Ministry, Memphis Theological Seminary

O Lord, Our God, thank you for the cross of Christ and the power it gives for us to live in freedom from fear and brings reconciliation with God. Thank you, Jesus, that you came that we might have abundant life, free from fear. Thank you that we have received a Spirit of adoption as sons and daughters.

O Lord, Our God, Thank you that you break down all barriers and enter into every heart – that you speak peace into our fear, faith into our doubt, and hope into our despair. We pray now for those around us – members of the National Council of Churches and those who worship you around the world, we pray for our friends and relatives, for our family members, for the countless millions – who do not believe or who do not have the hope that we have.  We pray today, O Lord,  for those who those on sick lists and prayer request lists.

We pray today, O Lord, for those who have no one to pray for them this day. You know them – and we offer them up to you so that their lives may be touched by you.  We especially pray for the homeless, the hungry, the oppressed and the ignored, the bereaved and those sick.

O Lord, Our God, we pray for strength in these days of uncertainty and adversity. Help us to be models of strength and hope as your children. Help us to witness your love and grace as selfless people by helping others through your power. 

We these things through Jesus the Christ, our Risen Savior.  Amen