As we attempt to do our part to end this pandemic, we hear many questions about the changing circumstances we face each day. We’ve invited experts, medical professionals, and experienced faith leaders to offer guidance and help provide answers. This webinar will equip participants on what to expect from the vaccines, how houses of worship can be used for vaccination sites, what resources are now available to families and communities because of the American Rescue Plan Act, and it will provide insights into mental and spiritual issues that we should be aware of during a prolonged time of grief.

Date: Wednesday, March 24, 2021 at 1-3 pm ET on Zoom.


Vaccine Basics – What to expect when vaccinating, possible side effects, and the difference between the three available vaccines.
What’s in the COVID-19 American Rescue Plan Act of 2021?
Access to the Vaccines and the Role of Faith Groups
• Staying Safe: Guidance for Large Group Gatherings, Singing and Other Activities
Mental Health and Spiritual Issues – How to deal with grief, anxiety, and stress as we go forward


The webinar is available for viewing on Facebook and YouTube

Information Provided During the Webinar:

CDC Community-Based Organizations COVID-19 Vaccine Communication Toolkit for Faith-based Organizations These are resources church groups can use to promote getting vaccinated.

The National Suicide Prevention Lifeline 1-800-273-8255

A person can text “Help” to 741741 to be connected with a crisis counselor.

“Yellow Card” from the World Health Organization proves a person was vaccinated for international travel. Now used for vaccinations for yellow fever, etc. There is a potential that some nations may require COVID-19 vaccinations for travel and that information would need to be added to a yellow card (sample).

V-safe After Vaccination Health Checker

NIH Community Engagement Alliance (CEAL): The Community Engagement Alliance (CEAL) Against COVID-19 Disparities works closely with the communities hit hardest by COVID-19, such as African Americans, Hispanics/Latinos, and American Indians/Alaska Natives.

To register churches/sites to be used as vaccine distribution sites, you can use this survey instrument which Rev. Dr. Miriam Burnett sends to FEMA frequently or provide FEMA with the information directly: