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National Council of Churches

Take these deeds

Jeremiah bought the field at Anathoth at a dire time. He dared to embrace hope in the midst of seeming hopelessness.

As the current pandemic spreads its silent invisible tentacles,

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Singing in a Strange Land

The strange land of social distancing, isolation, shelter-in-place, and quarantine has leapt upon us with short notice. While many of us understood the threat of the coronavirus, few of us

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God has not gone to sleep

What marvelous and comforting words from the psalmist assuring us that those who dwell in the shelter of the Most High and abide under the shadow of the Almighty will

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O God of All

O God of all people, big and small, black, white, yellow, red, brown and every hue of the rainbow, young and old, all gender and orientations, and all nations and

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The Church and COVID-19

As we embark upon a series of conversations in which we will attempt to understand how this adaptation is taking place, my guest today is a pastor and leader in

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Overcome Greed with Selflessness

Before the current crisis of a global pandemic, I used to wonder about this verse of scripture. I wondered how Pharaoh, laden with the responsibilities of leadership, and having experienced

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