Gracious and Loving God,

Our Creator, Our Sustainer, Our Redeemer,

We thank You for the gift of prayer. We are grateful that we can cast our cares upon You and know that You will take care of us. We are thankful that we can be confident in knowing that while in this world there are trials and tribulations, You have overcome the world! Thank You, O God!

We come before you with heavy hearts, a nation deeply divided over impeachment proceedings. Our nation is in trouble. Our nation is divided. Our nation is facing turmoil that we have not seen in a generation. We lift up our nation to You.

We ask, O, God, that You would give our leaders wisdom, insight and courage to lead us in ways that are just and righteous. We pray that they will not bow to political pressures, regardless of where that pressure originates, but instead that they would be courageous and mindful of the responsibilities entrusted to them. In Your mercy, God, hear our prayers.

We lift up the people of this nation, O God, and ask that You would give us discernment to know right from wrong and to act on it. We pray that You would give us courage to hear, and to see, and to listen to those who may have a different opinion than our own. We pray that You would infuse us with Your Spirit that we might be light in the midst of the darkness of this hour. Whatever the outcome of the impeachment vote in the House of Representatives and the trial in the Senate, help us to find ways to be healers, unifiers and reconcilers, which is who You have called us to be. In Your mercy, O God, hear our prayers.

During this Advent Season, we wait with great expectation to celebrate the miracle of the birth of Jesus the Christ. We also pray today that the miracle would manifest itself in our nation and that we would be Your hands, feet and mouthpieces in the world as we take part in the unfolding of the miraculous. In Your great mercy, O God, hear our prayers.

It is in Your precious and holy Name that we pray and ask these things, trusting and believing that they can be so and shall come to pass.
