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National Council of Churches - Common Witness - LETTER TO THE ARMED FORCES CHAPLAINS BOARD

November 11, 2004

Dear Colleagues:

We greet you, the men and women of all faiths who serve as chaplains in the Armed Forces of the United States. At all times, but most especially in a time of war, the care for the spiritual lives of those in the military and their families is a vital calling to ministry. We recognize the sacrifice you make to provide this service.

We, the 2004 General Assembly of the National Council of Churches of Christ, wish you to know that as we meet in St. Louis, Missouri, November 9-11, 2004, we have upheld in prayer the chaplains commending their lives and their work to Almighty God and to Jesus Christ who teaches us to work for peace. We pray for their wisdom, courage, patience, and comforting presence to all whom they serve. We have resolved as well to call upon the nearly 50 million American Christians within our member communions to be constant in prayer for this important ministry and to continue fervently in their prayers for peace.

May you know God's presence in this day and in all your days.

The Delegates and Young Adult Stewards of the 2004 General Assembly of the National Council of the Churches of Christ, USA.

Bishop Thomas L. Hoyt, Jr.

The Reverend Robert G. Edgar
General Secretary