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Resolution on Myanmar

Adopted by the General Assembly, November 10, 2010


Whereas the people of Myanmar (Burma) and its Christian minority continue to suffer the horrendous effects of human rights violations perpetrated by the military junta, and


Whereas the junta’s recent effort to create the illusion of an election has resulted in intensified military action in Myanmar that has forced an estimated 20,000 additional refugees to flee into refugee camps in Thailand, and


Whereas we are deeply aggrieved at the human costs of the decades of harsh oppression by the military regime,


This General Assembly now


Thanks the U.S. Secretary of State for calling for the creation of an international commission to hold Myanmar’s leaders responsible for human rights abuses, and


Thanks ecumenical agencies for assisting refugees from Myanmar to relocate in the U.S. and supporting relief and resettlement efforts along the Thai border, and


Thanks U.S. churches for opening their homes and hearts to refugee families from Myanmar as they relocate in the U.S.


Moreover, this General Assembly expresses the solidarity of its member communions with the people of Myanmar and its Christian minority, and


Calls on the U.S. State Department to continue to promote an international investigation of human rights abuses in Myanmar, and


Calls on member communions to intensify their efforts to support refugees from Myanmar, and


Urges member communions to continue to educate their congregations about the situation in Myanmar and to pray for all its people.


Based on the Human Rights Policy, a policy statement of the NCC and CWS (1951)