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Voter Empowerment 2022

[After registering, you will be emailed the link to the resource page.]

The National Council of the Churches of Christ in the USA (NCC) joins with our member denominations to affirm that each vote is precious, just as each person is a precious child of God. Voting is the most powerful nonviolent tool we have to create a more perfect union. The right to vote is the way we determine the future for our families, communities, and country. We are stronger as a nation when more people participate in our democracy.


However, we are faced with many challenges as voting laws have changed in 35 states. Polling places have changed. Voter ID procedures have changed. Many voters have been removed from the voter rolls. Members of our churches may not be aware of the changes. In addition, crucial protections that would have been provided by the Freedom to Vote: John R. Lewis Act were never passed by the U.S. Senate.


In the face of such unprecedented challenges, the NCC is working in partnership with Faiths United to Save Democracy to encourage faith leaders to fill-in the gaps and help prepare all people of faith to exercise their civic responsibility by voting safely and fairly. Local congregations can provide valuable resources and reliable information to help their members wade through these barriers to vote. The Voter Empowerment 2022 Resource Guide is meant to be used by churches as a companion to Faiths United to Save Democracy’s Toolkit detailing voter information for all 50 states.

Get the Resource Guide and Take Action:

The NCC is an ally of the voter campaigns created by several of our denominations and we are now inviting additional churches to join the NCC Voter Empowerment 2022 campaign and take action on the local church level each month until Election Day. Churches can play a pivotal role in encouraging each voter to create a plan to vote and make their voice heard. The guide focuses on monthly calls for action on the second Sunday of each month, “Check-up Sundays,” culminating in “Turn Out Sunday” on November 6th before the midterm elections on November 8th.

Register and download the guide to receive the action plan, outreach ideas, scripture verses, prayers, and links to important information from partner organizations.

Link to register for access to the Voter Empowerment Guide:

[After registering, you will be emailed the link to the resource page.]

Join us and use the hashtag #VoteReady from now to Election Day!