
“In him was life, and the life was the light of all people. The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness did not overcome it.”

John 1:4-5 (NRSV)


In peace, let us pray.

Dear Lord, We feel lost in the darkness right now. Give us the wisdom and strength to do our part to break the chains of ignorance and lead hearts away from hatred. Inspire us with courage and joy to shine your light in the world. When we struggle, remind us you are always present with continued help. Amen.

-Cynthia Cotte Griffiths, NCC Director of Communications and Development

We call on you now to join us in “40 Days of Prayer to Transform: A Journey to Newness.”  Beginning December 12 and moving daily through January 20, members of the National Council of Churches and all communion partners will join in praying for hope, unity, and healing. During this Advent/Christmas season and into the New Year we put our hope in the ability and desire of God, through Jesus Christ, to heal and transform hearts and minds. We look for the Holy Spirit to breathe God’s newness into individual lives, faith communities, the soul of our nation, indeed, the whole world.