Resolution: Expanding the Ecumenical Vision

Adopted Unanimously by the NCC General Assembly November 17, 2000


BE IT RESOLVED by the General Assembly of the National Council of Churches of Christ in the USA (“NCCC”) as follows:

1. That the member communions of the NCCC be called upon to commit themselves to participating, with Evangelical and Pentecostal churches and with the Roman Catholic Church, in a process of discernment to ascertain what new national expression of Christian life, faith and action the Holy Spirit may enable us to bring into being in which we may be and act together.


2. To this end, the member communions of the NCCC will be called upon to participate in a fully collaborative meeting of Christian Church leaders, which will include Evangelical, Pentecostal and Roman Catholic Churches, to be held 2001.


3. That the General Secretary of the NCCC, working closely with the Vision Committee and in consultation with the Faith and Order Commission, be designated to participate with leaders from the Evangelical, Pentecostal and Roman Catholic Churches to secure formal affirmative responses in order to prepare the framework for this ecumenical gathering.


4. That the General Secretary report to the Executive Board and the members of the General Assembly the plans and timelines as developed.