Development of a Comprehensive Policy Statement on Africa

National Council of Churches Annual General Assembly, November 14-17, 2000

WHEREAS the Board of Directors of Church World Service, Inc./Church World Service and Witness, at their meeting in Baltimore, MD on November 1, 2000 considered the urgent need to prioritize Africa in the work of CWSW and the NCCCUSA; and


WHEREAS the CWSW Mission Relationships and Witness Program Committee, in respect to President Andrew Young’s leadership with regard to Africa, recommended the development of a new joint policy statement regarding Africa; and


WHEREAS the NCCCUSA has placed a major focus on AIDS—a major issue in Africa—and in light of the very solid work done by the Middle East Committee in its 1980 policy statement, which still stands today as a model for a new statement on Africa; therefore


BE IT RESOLVED that the General Assembly, meeting in Atlanta, does hereby authorize the development of a comprehensive policy statement on Africa for the National Council of the Churches of Christ in the USA and Church World Service and Witness.


BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the objectives be as follows:

a. To develop an Africa policy statement over the next twelve months.
b. To present an Africa policy statement for first reading to the CWSW Board of Directors and the NCCCUSA Executive Board in October 2001 and the NCCCUSA General Assembly in November 2001.
c. To present an Africa policy statement for second reading to the General Assembly in November 2002.

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the recommended framework for the work be as follows:

  • The Board of Directors of Church World Service, Inc./Church World Service and Witness and the General Assembly of the National Council of the Churches of Christ in the USA will work with African and ecumenical partners including the All Africa Conference of Churches and others in a process leading to a policy statement on Africa;
  • The Council recognizes that this process will place emphasis on and energy into our work in Africa.
  • The NCCC and CWSW will appoint members to the Commission/Task Force, which would be supported in its work by a designated staff component. This process would involve a deliberative approach in developing an Africa policy statement and allow for input from constituency. Hearings and other public meetings will be held to solicit input from a variety of partners, networks and interested organizations and experts. Visitations to Africa will be included in the process. The process will also allow for more of an interactive/educational experience to take place in the life of the organizations and the constituency.
  • A chairperson will be appointed by the President of the NCCCUSA and the Chairperson of CWSW, who would oversee the work of developing the policy statement on Africa.