Theological Dialogue and Matters of Faith and Order
The night before his death, Jesus prayed that we who believe in him might all be one (John 12:21). We want to be faithful in responding to this wish of Jesus. But we know that our churches are not simply different from one another, but divided in many ways.
Faith and Order affirms the oneness of the Church of Jesus Christ keeps before the churches the Gospel call to visible unity in one faith and one eucharistic communion, expressed in worship and in common life in Christ, in order that the world may believe. The NCC’s member churches have given the Faith and Order convening table, which is part of the worldwide and longstanding Faith and Order movement, the work of speaking together about the Gospel and our church communities in ways that will lead to healing our divisions while honoring our diversity.
Theologians and other experts sent by the churches (both member and non-member churches) together study critical church-dividing and church-uniting matters, produce publications and other resources on these ecclesiological and social concerns, and provide a theological foundation for the NCC’s overall work in addressing these issues. Current Faith and Order work will culminate in a new book, Addressing Racism as the Church: Some Theological Considerations, which will be published in 2024.
The list of the table’s outcomes, based on previous studies, includes:
- “Racialized Violence and the Churches’ Responsibility” (2020)
- “Christian Witness in a Multi-Religious World” (2019)
- Thinking Theologically about Mass Incarceration: Biblical Foundations and Justice Imperatives (2017)
- Unity in Mission: Theological Reflections on the Pilgrimage of Mission (2013)
- “God of Life, Lead Us to Justice and Peace – Young Theologians’ Reflections” (2013)
- “A Reflection on the Nature and Mission of the Church” (2012)
- Ecumenical Directions in the United States Today: Churches on a Theological Journey (2012)
- “A Journey to Open Up Other Journeys: Justice and Salvation” (2012)
- “The Authority of the Church in the World” (2007)
- Ancient Faith and American-Born Churches (2006)
- Love for the Poor: God’s Love for the Poor and the Churches’ Witness to It (2005)
- The Fragmentation of the Church and its Unity in Peacemaking (2001)
- Ending Racism in the Church (1998)
- Grounds for Understanding: Ecumenical Resources for Responses to Religious Pluralism (1998)
- Telling the Churches’ Stories: Ecumenical Perspectives on Writing Christian History (1995)
- The Churches’ Peace Witness (1994)
- The Church in the Movement of the Spirit (1994)
- Twelve Tales Untold: A Study Guide for Ecumenical Reception (1993)
- Women and Church: The Challenge of Ecumenical Solidarity in an Age of Alienation (1991)
- Faith to Creed: Ecumenical Perspectives on the Affirmation of the Apostolic Faith in the Fourth Century (1991)
- The Church with AIDS: Renewal in the Midst of Crisis (1990)
- Apostolic Faith in America (1988)
- Black Witness to Apostolic Faith (1988)
- Christ in East and West (1987)
- Spirit of Truth: Ecumenical Perspectives on the Holy Spirit (1986)
- Webinar on For the Life of the World
- Webinar on COVID-19 and the Orthodox Church
- Webinar on COVID-19 and the Ecumenical Community

Rev. Dr. Kirsten Oh, United Methodist Church

Raffi Balian, Armenian Orthodox Church
NCC Staff:

Dr. Antonios Kireopoulos, Associate General Secretary, National Council of Churches.